Have you missed your favorite characters in North Salem? Well, the 7th book in my love on the North Shore Series is now available for preorder. Not only does it allow readers to find out what has been going on with the favorite characters in North Salem, but it lets everyone get to know Avery Troy, Mia and Angie's sister while at the same time introducing Isabelle Martin. She gets her story in One Of A Kind Love, my installment in the new Love Vixen Series which is always available for preorder.
Avery Troy stopped in North Salem last year to visit with her sisters and meet her newborn niece. A romantic relationship was not on her radar. Still, when Steve Nelson asked her out, Avery agreed, assuming she’d have an enjoyable evening out before heading back to the west coast. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect one date would turn into a second, let alone anything more serious.
Steve noticed Avery the moment he stepped onto his buddy Sean’s back deck. Unlike her former movie star sisters, Avery possessed that girl next door look. Considering she rubbed elbows with celebrities and movie executives, he assumed he didn’t have a shot with her. Regardless, he asked her to dinner. The way he saw it, the worst that could happen was she’d say no. Much to his surprise, the opposite happened.
For the past nine months, Avery has divided her time between the East and West Coast. Now, though, she believes it might be time to leave Los Angeles behind and start calling North Salem home. Unfortunately, Avery’s overbearing mother disagrees, and Lynn Troy will do whatever she can to get her way.

Dear Love Vixen,
I am actually writing to you for my cousin because she's too stubborn to do it herself. In a week she's returning home for her twin brother's wedding. Unfortunately, her brother's best man, the very man who kissed her sixteen years ago and she hasn't seen since, is returning as well. I told her to make her move and finally know once and for all how he feels. She disagrees. She plans to avoid him as much as possible until he goes back to the West Coast. Should she take my advice or let him disappear from her life for another sixteen years?
A Concerned Cuz
Dear Cuz,
Oh, sweetie, you should… I mean your “cuz” should definitely listen to your voice of reason. If she’s been pining for him for sixteen years, there’s obviously something there. At least for “her.” You tell her LV said to go for it. What has she got to lose? Another sixteen years of wondering “what if”? Most importantly, what has she got to gain? A wonderful happily ever after.
Good luck, hon!
The <3 Vixen